(03) 9808 0333

3 Harker st Burwood Vic 3125

Value for money

Most people look for the lowest cost when they are looking to service their vehicle. This does not mean the cheapest labour rate, cheapest parts or cheapest price for service.

office (1850 x 1388)

What you are likely looking for is the lowest overall maintenance and running cost over the time you own the vehicle, to keep your vehicle longer (if it is suitable for your needs) and a good resale price when it is sold.

If you do not maintain your vehicle regularly and correctly, skip services and ignore recommendations in preventative maintenance then most likely you will be paying for this further down the road.

A vehicle which is not properly maintained would lead to expensive repairs and may compromise safety and result poor fuel economy. In some cases it may force you to sell the car, because it is costing too much to keep it on the road- for a price way below market value.

Master Automobile Mechanics have the knowledge, skill and dedication to make sure that your car is safe and working at it’s optimum performance - for the lowest overall cost over the time you own your vehicle.